Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Burning the Midnight Oil with Cellular Energy

Subtitle: A revisit of the long-distance relationship and how technology is helping my own LDR survive the test of distance and time.

When I wrote the first article on long-distance relationships and how improved technologies aide in their success, I was a single mobile female. Since that time, I have been "taken off the market;" surprisingly without modern technology but rather a twist of fate and a common interest in football and pizza (who knew?). So I am officially in a LDR. At first it didn't feel like it was "distanced" so much, likely due to the holidays and extra days off which means extra lovey-dovey time. But now it is starting to hit me. The late night phone calls, the email exchanges, this is how we communicate throughout the days that we are not together in order to feel like we actually are together. And while most days these interactions fill the desire for that other person's affection and company, there are nights (like tonight) that nothing can replace the feeling of a warm body and snuggling on the couch.

But we power through. We fall asleep on these nights with the help of a favorite TV show or perhaps some internet browsing or an old DVD; anything to distract us from the present moment of solidarity. I have to say, I have caught up on every single one of my TV shows (GLEE, Big Bang Theory, Man Men, my guilty pleasures) and am ready to tackle some new series that I have been told I need to get into (Dexter?!). Despite this description, which may paint the picture of unrest or discomfort (quite the opposite!) our relationship is going strong. In fact, it's better than going strong, it is kicking ass in the world's strongest man competition. I couldn't be happier with my romantic situation as it currently stands.

But it raises the question in my mind: would our relationship be as healthy and happy as it is given the 3 hour distance between us if we didn't have these technologies to keep us connected?

My first response would be: NO! Without a doubt. If I couldn't talk to him throughout the day, hear his voice and the jokes he tells me to make me laugh, I wouldn't feel as close to him. Thanks to our cell phones, he's the first person I talk to when I wake up and the last thing before I go to sleep. We stay in touch between phone calls with text messages of quick updates and scheduling ideas. And emails in the intermittent to plan out our calendar and social events we have coming up. Without these technologies, I would feel disconnected. I would literally feel 3 hours away while now I feel like he could be next door. It brings us together. The use of these technologies in our relationship makes us better communicators; it enables us to share our feelings about the other person, which comforts us while we are not together. Because we are not talking face-to-face, we are able to improve on the clearness, accuracy, and the quality of tone and reflection in our voices. Overall, we are better communicators; individually and for each other.

Personally, I find it easier to discuss my emotions in this way. I'm sure this is mostly because I feel I can be open and completely myself with him. But overall, I haven't had trouble discussing the way I feel or my emotions toward our relationship like I normally do. We talk about things in all different ways that even when we are together I have an easier time communicating with him how I feel and how happy I am. I find that the breadth and variance in the technologies available have created a better communicator within myself when it comes to the discussion of emotions and emotionally charged situations.

Our goal is to change this from a LDR to a "we live in the same state" relationship. When? We don't know exactly. But we are hoping in the next 3 months. If there is one thing I have to say to about LDRs it is this: if you can make it through the time apart, then the time together should be a blessing and a breeze.

And so, I leave you with this: Dave Matthews Band music video for "You and Me," in tribute to my own LDR. Boyfriend posted this video on my Facebook wall one day because it reminds him of me and that "together, we can do, anything, anything."

Friday, November 12, 2010

Quality over Quantity: A Communication Lesson

Subtitle: There are so many communication resources available to us which aid in connecting us to people in our lives, but does this replace or substitute for quality communication? In this blog, I will debate the quality over quantity issue as it relates to romantic communication.

Quality over quantity: I can't tell you how many times I've used this saying in my life. It seems to fit in every situation I can think of. Cake. Travel. Romance. And yes, Communication. We've all been there: sitting across from someone on a first date, wondering when the conversation is going to improve or become stimulating at the very least. And then you finally get to the end and do a silent cheer in your head because it seems like a victory of sorts that you actually made it through. I've often left those dates thinking to myself, "how can someone be such a poor communicator and bring nothing to this table (literally!)" (I also leave craving a bottle of wine, but that's usually aided by my desire to drink away the last hour and a half and cuddle up with my dog who, believe it or not, is a much better communicator than some of these men). Dating in the 21st century is hard enough with the advent of cell phones, email and online dating, but who would have guessed that one of the most important factors in finding a mate is one that stands the test of time: communication.

Recently, a friend of mine called me venting about his "woman problems" and divulged the fact that he was thinking of calling it quits. It wasn't the distance between them (2 hours away), it wasn't the physical attributes of their relationship, it was the lack of meaningful conversation. And it got me thinking: even with so many technologies that help us stay in touch with a romantic partner, is it still possible that some people are simply not quality communicators? And if that is the case, how does one go through their life and not desire connectivity with a partner on a deeper level than baseball and the weather? For me, that's a deal breaker!

As I am transitioning from SMF (single mobile female) to TMF (taken mobile female), there are certain attributes in my mate that have become extremely important, if not imperative. And meaningful conversation is one of them. I don't care if it's a conversation over cell phone, email, Facebook, or text messages, I just need to feel connected to that person in a way that is continuously stimulating and meaningful. And don't get me wrong, we do talk about sports, Fantasy Football and going out drinking, but that is not ALL we talk about. We discuss our situation, where we stand, where we want to go and common goals and interests we have in life. These topics certainly don't monopolize our conversations, but we do talk about them, openly and honestly. Being able to share these innermost feelings and emotions with my romantic partner is the glue that keeps it together and frankly, what keeps me coming back for more.

So I make the case for you lovers out there: communicate with your partner in a meaningful way. Make an effort to be a part of not only their exterior lives but their interior thoughts as well. And this goes for yourself too; be interesting. Have something compelling and interesting to talk about. Bring up an interesting article that you read or question your partner on their stance of a political change that is on the horizon. Whatever you do, just make sure you are communicating first with quality, then with quantity.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Electronic Enchantment: The Pros and Cons of Technology and its Effects on Dating in Today's World

Subtitle: This blog post will discuss the affects of modern technology, namely computers and the World Wide Web, on dating in the 21st century and sort out some of the pros and cons.

At least 365 million people in the world own a computer! That is a lot of people that have access to this modern technology. So how has the increase of computer usage over the last 20 years affected our dating culture in the 21st century? How has it made it better or worse, easier or harder?

In my first blog post about Online Dating, I brought up the notion of "ease of access." Online dating, along with social networks such as Facebook, MySpace and Plenty of Fish, all make communicating with romantic prospects so easy that as long as you have a desire to talk to someone, you can pretty much make it happen. Obviously this is a great thing because now, more than ever, the ability to get to know someone and learn about them on a deeper level is facilitated through the computer. And this especially helps people that may be shy in person to express who they truly are in a setting that they are comfortable with, be it through email, Instant Messaging or Skype. On the flip side, if we have instant access to anyone we want at any time, doesn't that take away the fun of "the chase?" It's a proven fact that humans have a desire for things we can't have, call it the nature of the hunt, or the passion of challenge, we like to go after things that we don't already have. Jobs, clothes, cars and even lovers. So if we can reach a romantic interest at any time, does that decrease our desirability of that person?

Overall, the computer has given us the ability to connect with our lovers on a more rounded sphere. While we are at work, we can exchange emails throughout the day. If we are apart, we can post sweet messages on the other person's Facebook wall, we can even send instant messages to them if both parties are online at the same time. To me, this is the greatest advantage of all. There really is no excuse not to stay in touch with someone you care about. And it also provides people with alternate ways to express their feelings. I have to say, I love the ability to express myself through written words (I'm sure that is hard to tell from this blog series). For me, it is very difficult to express my feelings in words, good or bad, especially if it is a confrontation like a fight or an argument. For me, it is better to get my feelings out in a letter or journal post, and the computer helps me do this because I can type as fast as I think where as writing in a journal is too slow to capture all of the thoughts flowing through my head. From there, whether or not I send or share that document with the other is irrelevant, my thoughts are organized and in one place and now I can have the necessary conversation without feeling like my emotions are all over the place. But while this method works for me, I've had people tell me that this is "cowardly" or an "immature" way to express my feelings. Obviously, it never worked out with those people because they couldn't understand something that was rather important to me ;)

Computers and the world wide web also have the ability to bring two people together that may not have met in person. A friend of mine told me the story of how her and her boyfriend met: Her boyfriend had posted a personal ad on a site called CraigsList.org in the Personals section. My friend saw his listing and liked certain aspects of it and decided to contact him. They had communicated for a week or so via email and decided to meet in person to see if they had the chemistry in person that they did online. So they did. After an hour of misunderstanding (Chris thought she was someone else in the bar and he didn't like her as much but finally after the two were sitting at different parts of the bar, when they went to leave they figured out it was the other person in front of them that they were waiting for) they stuck it out and got to know each other in person that night. They've been together ever since and currently live together.

I am ever the optimist so I like to hear those kind of stories; it makes me believe everyone has a chance to be happy and in love. But there are cons to computer technology and its affects on love in our generation. One of the biggest is Facebook (and other social sites). There is more drama started through Facebook than any other method. And for those of us who use Facebook, how important is it to us for our significant other to have their relationship status as "In a Relationship." It's like without those 3 words located somewhere in our profiles, the relationship doesn't exist. And what about when breaking up- the relationship status is the final say. Once one person in the relationship takes off that status and puts single, that's when you know it's truly over. Really? This is how we "break up" nowadays?? This brings me to a great article that was sent to me about Facebook and how it can predict when you will break up. In the article titled, "Facebook knows when you'll break up," (which you can read here: http://www.cnn.com/2010/TECH/social.media/11/02/facebook.breakups/index.html?iref=NS1) a now well-known infographic shows the spike in Facebook "break ups" over the period of a year. It seems the most Facebook break ups are right after Valentine's Day (I guess she doesn't like that brand of chocolate after all...) and right before Spring Break (well, that one's a no brainer I guess), followed by the two week period before Christmas (talk about Mr. Grinch!). The safest day for relationships; the one day that had the lowest amount of break ups: Christmas Day. Well it truly is a miracle on 34th street.

Another con of online dating technology is the notion that you don't know who is actually sitting behind the other screen you are communicating with. We've all heard the horror stories that the 6 foot beautiful blonde you thought you were talking to turned out to be a 5 foot 6 inch bald man, or even worse, a criminal or sexual predator. The instances of online predators has become a serious issue in our day and age. Just a few weeks ago, a 14 year old girl in New Jersey alerted the authorities that the man she was talking to online (who turned out to be 48 years old) was threatening her and planning to find her physical location and do who-knows-what to her. These are the stories that make my skin crawl and make we want to take my Facebook Page down altogether.

But as with new technology, there is a new etiquette that everyone should follow when it comes to online romance and although they seem like common sense, everyone should follow these guidelines to ensure their own safety. Taken from a site called "Get the Facts" (http://www.getthefacts.health.wa.gov.au/2/26/1/online_romance.pm) which is geared towards young adults to provide information and support for sexual health and relationships in Western Australia (just goes to show you this is a GLOBAL issue, not just here in America), people should adhere to the following rules when it comes to online romance:

Here are some tips on how to meet people safely online:

  • Make sure that only your friends can view your MySpace and Facebook profiles – you can do this by altering the security settings.
  • Don't ever give out any personal information that could let the other person identify you, or your friends and family (like your real name and address, the name of your school or where you work, your mobile or home number). Use a new email account that doesn't contain your real name or any other personal information.
  • On sites like MySpace and Facebook, only befriend people you know.
  • Don't share photos.
  • Listen to your instincts: you are right to be suspicious of people who change their stories, start sexual conversations and pressure you to send photos or meet in person.

When meeting a stranger face-to-face:

  • Always meet in a public place, like a shopping centre or café. Ask the person what they will be wearing. Make sure you get there early so you can check out the person before they see you.
  • Go with a friend, or group of friends. And tell your parent/s where you are going.
  • Know how you're going to get home before you get there: arrange for someone to pick you up, or take cash for the bus or train. And never get into a car with someone you've just met or someone you don't know very well.
I am all for communicating in new ways and getting to know people with the invention of new technologies, but I caution those who think their computer screen is the only way they are going to meet their Prince or Princess. Although it increases the chances you have of meeting someone and getting to know someone, nothing replaces instant chemistry when you just happen to meet the right person when you last expect it. Don't close out the idea that you can meet someone in person just because you are utilizing an online dating site. Remember that online romance is just one of the many ways you can meet someone so remain open to other venues when it comes to connecting with someone. Life can surprise you all the time so if you are open to it, you just never know how things will end up.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Mobile Amour: The Cell Phone Deviation

Subtitle: This blog post will discuss the addition of cell phones into modern culture and how this has affected dating for the current generation.

I remember when I was in high school, all I wanted was a cell phone. This was around the time when cell phones were becoming affordable but they had in no way penetrated the market in a substantial way. But the idea of being able to get in touch with anyone at any time, there was nothing I wanted more. Finally, when I was a senior, my mom put me on her cell phone plan and my dream had come true: mobile communication. Her reason for getting it for me was that I was driving and that if I ever had an emergency with my car I would need to get in touch immediately. But my idea for the mobile phone was completely different. It wasn't long before my high school boyfriend and I had used our cell phones to keep in touch on an hourly basis, be it through phone calls or text messages.

This anecdote is one that rings true for many people in my generation. And it really has changed the way we connect with our peers, be it friendship or romance. I can personally say I couldn't even imagine my life without my cell phone, although writing this post makes me think about how my romantic life would be different without one. I am currently single, and perhaps that is when single females feel most appreciative of their cell phones. In addition to staying in touch with romantic prospects, more importantly I am constantly in touch with my other "single mobile females (SMF)" which keeps my social life on its toes and makes me feel like I don't "need" a man to be content since I have my ladies to make me smile and send me sweet nothings on a daily basis. According to the Marketing Charts, the Cell Phone is the Single Females' New Best Friend. “The cell phone is an integral part of the SMF’s life, serving as a pocket-size detective, matchmaker, wing-woman and beyond. It is now officially a girl’s best friend,” said Randy Smith, VP of channel marketing for Samsung. (You can check out this and other cell phone related studies at the following link: http://www.marketingcharts.com/interactive/cell-phone-is-single-females-new-best-friend-877/)

When it comes to romance, the advent of the mobile phone has brought courting and the sustainability of relationships to a whole new level. As I eluded to in a previous blog post, mobile communication has brought the element of immediacy. Boyfriends, girlfriends, spouses of all kinds now have instant connection to their lover at any time of the day. But does this make a relationship stronger? Or has it made us more dependent on another person in our daily life? Maybe it has made people feel more connected to their sweetheart emotionally because they know what their significant other is doing throughout the day. In this way, it has also added to the notion of the long distance relationship, because even though two lovers may be hundreds of miles away, they can feel like they sharing their lives together in a different way through text messages, phone calls, videos and pictures shared instantly.

Whether cell phones make relationships more or less successful is still out to the jury. But at the very least, it allows two people to stay in touch in a way that was never possible before. And as a hopeless romantic and a "SMF" I can only hope this will ring true for myself one day.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Facebook: The Ultimate Relationship Killer?

Subtitle: This article will explore how social networks such as Facebook either hurt or help dating and relationships. I will explore how Facebook has played an important part in causing "drama" in relationships and also the ways such networking sites have brought lovers together.

When I googled "Facebook and relationships" in order to research for this weeks blog topic, I was shocked at the number of articles that came up in relation to these 2 search terms. There is clearly an overwhelming outcry in the world on how Facebook can interfere in relationships and dating. But yet, it doesn't stop people from going on Facebook. So I pose the question: how does Facebook help or hurt relationships and the dating process?

In order to conduct proprietary research for this topic, I posted a Facebook status (oh, the irony) that asked the same question above: how does Facebook help or hurt relationships and dating? And Why? Within 5 minutes, I had 7 comments to this status with people offering their opinion, some more vehemently than others. The number 1 complaint amongst users is that Facebook hurts relationships and dating because it is a "drama starter." Basically people feel that arguments or problems can be started as a result of actions or communications that are made through Facebook. One example that was shared with me was a boyfriend was using the social network to stay in touch with ex-girlfriends. On the surface, not such a crime, but he did so behind her back because since it was through Facebook, rather the cell phone or email, he thought that it would be more secure and private. This immediately made me do some research because it made me think, is this a problem that many people are experiencing? And sure enough, it is. I came across the perfect article as it connects to past lovers and social networking titled, "Past Loves and Facebook." You can read the article here: http://www.mentalhelp.net/poc/view_doc.php?type=doc&id=29039&cn=289. Author of the article, Elisha Goldstein, Ph. D, said, "In my own practice I've heard people finding past loves on Facebook who are currently in committed relationships and some of them begin a flirting/emotional relationship, and some don't. But one thing is clear; in some way, it inevitably gets in the way of the original physical relationship that is not in cyberspace." Personally, I think Facebook and cyberspace in general makes the ease of access to old flames the dangerous characteristic. Before all of these social networking sites, you might wonder what an old flame was doing but without directly communicating with them through a phone call or email, it stayed "a wonder". But now with these sites, it's so EASY to find anyone and to find out what they are doing, where they are and how they are doing, all with a few keystrokes.

Another reason given as to why Facebook is a "drama starter" is that people tend to read more into status posts than the writer intended, so leading to unnecessary and childish arguments. So in this way, Facebook can cause disagreements where there really isn't a disagreement.

But there were also many positive remarks! I spoke to a friend a few weeks ago while posing such questions to friends at a house party, and Dan supplied me with a great example of why Facebook is actually a good thing when it comes to dating. He told me that he recently had secured a date with an old classmate through Facebook. He said the social site helped in 2 ways: 1. He wouldn't have been able to reach her if he had not found her on Facebook because it had been many years since they went to school together. 2. He was able to invite her to coffee through Facebook itself, which he would not have been able to do since he did not have her cell phone number. Another great example was provided by Kelly when the central question above was posed to my own Facebook community. She said, "It helps! My boyfriend and I initially got to know each other through Facebook chat (after meeting in person). I think it was less "scary" to talk that way than in person when first feeling each other out. We were able to easily show each other pictures of our families and friends, and show our families and friends who the other person is." One last example, provided by Jim, who supports the notion that Facebook can actually help dating and relationships, "You can meet new people and have relationships online where you may not get the opportunity to meet them in person."

It is obvious that the question of Facebook as a variable in relationships and dating is one that provokes extensive emotion and debate. So what does it all boil down to? Wendy provided a great outlook to describe how Facebook helps or hurts dating in the following description: "I think it depends on the level of trust you have in your relationship. If you trust your partner, then there should be no worries about what or who she/he is talking about. If the trust is shaky then that opens up all the "who is she talking to on Facebook," "what does that status update really mean" kind of stuff." What a surprise, it boils down to trust. And at the end of the day, whether it is Facebook, Myspace, cell phones or any other new technology that aides in immediate and extensive communication, the basic foundation to any good relationship is trust. In today's world, there may be exponentially new ways to reach anyone and communicate with them, but the primary building block of trust and confidence in your partner is still the secret to success in relationships.

I leave you with some further reading, with an article titled "5 Ways to keep Myspace and Facebook from Ruining Your Relationship." (http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1369897/5_ways_to_keep_myspace_and_facebook.html?cat=41) This is good reading for those that think Facebook is a a cause for drama and in general good reading for all of us who frequent the social networking world (I included). You can read about each way more in depth through the link above but here are the 5 ways to keep Myspace and Facebook from Ruining YOUR relationship:
1. Set Up Ground Rules
2. Limit your Log Ins
3. Don't Take Advantage
4. Talk Before You Post
5. Weigh Your Options

Happy social networking!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Short-Form Romance: Text Messaging and its Role in Current Dating Culture

Subtitle: This blog post will discuss how text messaging is used in today's dating culture and the benefits and drawbacks of using this form of communication as it relates to courting.

Text messaging has widely become one of the most utilized forms of communication in today’s technologically advanced world. And this fares no differently for the dating scene. But how appropriate is it to express your affection for someone in 120 characters or less? This is a topic that I am personally conflicted about. I have to admit: I am an avid texter. It’s not that I don’t like phone calls, but I find text messages so quick and efficient. When you are on the phone with someone, it is hard to do anything else without being completely obvious that you are not paying attention to them and only them. With text messaging, I can have multiple conversations running at a time and still be doing other things like working, writing emails, or even doing the laundry. But in my own dating adventures, I still find myself saying, “I wish he would actually pick up the phone and call me,” because there is something unique about hearing someone’s voice, their laugh, or their jokes that just can’t be replaced with a short-form scribe.

As a topic that not only interests me but perplexes me on a daily basis, I decided to poll some friends to see what their opinions were on text messages as it relates to dating. Sean, 27, brought up a really great point when he said, “Text message has created immediacy. I can contact my person of interest at any time during the day.” In this way, texting has created an on-going conversation with a potential mate, spouse or loved one that keeps the pair in touch all day long. We no longer have to wait for a phone call to see what the other is doing; we can send a quick text message to update the other on our status. I can concur that this is a nice touch; I love getting those mid-afternoon text messages that say, “How is your day going?” It’s nice to know that someone is thinking about me and is interested in knowing how I am fairing with life that day.

It would be fair to say that texting is an important part of the communication tools that one has to utilize on a daily basis, so much so there is almost an “alternate language” that has been created. Jeff, 30, said, “Texting has become such a dominant form of communication that we even invented emoticons to emulate facial expressions to express inner feelings.” The emoticons he refers to are the “:-)” symbols to express smiling or happy, “:-(“ to express sad or disappointed, etc. It really is incredible the things that humans have come up with in order to connect to other human beings, to express emotion even if they are not face to face. Further, Jeff noted that, “Text messaging brings out peoples’ characteristics that normally they may be too shy to show, in a way taking away insecurities. Text messaging takes away the element of communication apprehension.” In this way, people are able to “be more like themselves” without the fear of messing up a phone conversation with awkward moments.

Text messaging has quickly become a favorite form of communication for people, even when it comes to dating. Whatever their reason is, it has become an accepted “norm” in our courting culture. However, there are some boundaries that I personally think should be followed, which are summed up nicely in this article titled, “Dating Tips 101: Text Messaging in Relationships” which you can read here: http://www.examiner.com/sex-and-dating-in-phoenix/dating-tips-101-text-messaging-relationships

But even I, who vows to love text messaging for the ease and convenience of it, am a walking contradiction when it comes to dating and texting. What about the fact that it’s easier to hide things through text messages? Or the uneasy feeling I have of getting to know someone through characters versus actually hearing their voice and sharing a joke together over the phone? Call me old fashioned, but even in this technologically advanced world, nothing replaces the sound of that special someone’s voice that makes me grin from ear to ear.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Technology Bridging the Relationship Gap for Many Devoted Lovers

Subtitle: This entry will explore the way new technologies have helped long distance relationships survive the test of time and the expansive divide between lovers.

Long distance relationships: do they work? For many couples, they do work and these 3 words embody their romantic situation. According to a recent article on Forbes.com titled "Love Tech Goes Long Distance" (http://www.forbes.com/2008/02/06/love-gadgets-valentine-tech-lovebiz08-cx_ag_0206distance.html), "The most recent U.S. Census in 2006 showed that about 3.8 million Americans are in commuter marriages, a 30% increase since 2000. And one driver of that trend, says Gregory Guldner, director of the Center for the Study of Long Distance Relationships, is the perception that technology reduces the emotional separation of distance." In essence, people are more open to the idea of a long distance relationship because there are many new technologies that can "connect" them to their distanced lover.

But how do these distanced couples survive? To answer this question, I surveyed Jessenia, 26, who just celebrated her 2 year anniversary with her long distance boyfriend. She lives in New York City and her boyfriend lives in Miami. She said she uses a cell phone with camera, video, and video chat capabilities to stay connected to him. When asked why she thinks technology has helped foster her long distance relationship, she said, "It has definitetly made us last so long together during this distance because we can chat real time; (with iPhone 4 and Facetime) we see each other in real time and communicate very easily. If we didn't have technology the only way we would have any interaction would be through snail mail and that would not have made us stay together this long. We have tried to chat over the PC but that entails being stuck to a computer and a single, static location. So we only communicate through cell phone. We can share pictures amd videos of what's going around us and make the other person feel as if they are experiencing the moment with us. We also share online articles and youtube videos."

Jessenia's testimony shows that with new technologies, these two individuals can "experience the moment" and make each other feel like they are there with the other by sharing their surroundings with photos and videos sent via their cell phones. The ability to connect in this way is just one way that technology is aiding long distance relationships of all kinds, including romantic, friendships and even families.

Another prime example of a technology that is sustaining long distance relationships is Skype. "Skype (pronounced /skaɪp/) is a software application that allows users to make voice calls over the Internet. Calls to other users within the Skype service are free, while calls to both traditional landline telephones and mobile phones can be made for a fee using a debit-based user account system" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skype) Essentially, via two computers located anywhere in the world, a couple can communicate through video chat and have the ability to see their significant other while talking with them, which provides the feeling of "hanging out" and physically spending time together. Ley, who lives in Miami, says this is how her and her fiancé, who lives in Paris, survive on two different continents. And Skype is very often used for couples in which one half of the duo are fighting the war in Iraq or Afghanistan. Once only able to send hand-written letters to soldiers over seas which could take weeks, even months, to arrive, now couples can stay in touch in real time via Skype. This is an impressive advancement when you compare both communication venues: snail mail vs. video chatting.

Overall, I think technology has certainly helped couples who are not together physically stay together emotionally. Through the use of cell phones, computers and video tools, two people have more options than ever to stay connected and feel like they are apart of somebody's life on a whole new level.

However, I'll leave you with one question to ponder on this topic: do new technologies actually help long distance relationships be more successful or do they simply make it more bearable? Again referencing the aforementioned article above (Love Tech Goes the Distance), "But while innovations like e-mail, video chatting, instant messaging, Twitter and Second Life have increased the volume of Internet chatter, they haven't necessarily made long-distance relationships any more successful, Guldner says. Communication's quality, he says, has always meant more than its frequency.

'Information technology has definitely led people to believe that long-distance relationships will work more than in the past,' says Guldner. 'Whether that's true is the big question we're dealing with right now.' "

What do you think?

Friday, October 1, 2010

Online Dating: Opportunity or Scam?

Subtitle: This post will discuss online dating and some of the implications that result from courting with this type of new media.

We've all seen the movies from the "classic" times; a young man falls in love with a young woman, and he jumps through all sorts of hoops to get her attention, leaving letters for her to read and doing sweet things to win her affection. In their day, those were the tools they had to utilize to gain someone's affection. Fast forward 80 years and now you have cell phones, laptops, Facebook, and many other vehicles to express affection for another, whether romantic or platonic. The first of these new media technologies I will discuss as it relates to courting is Online Dating (eharmony.com, match.com, etc.) and its implications. Here is an excellent article in which the NY Times discusses Online Dating and the science behind it (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/29/science/29tier.html).

In the article, Dr. Buckwalter, a psychologist who had previously been a research professor at the University of Southern California, asserts that online dating works because it matches personality similarities and diminishes the differences between partners that can often lead to arguments and disagreements. “We’re not looking for clones, but our models emphasize similarities in personality and in values,” Dr. Buckwalter said. “It’s fairly common that differences can initially be appealing, but they’re not so cute after two years. If you have someone who’s Type A and real hard charging, put them with someone else like that. It’s just much easier for people to relate if they don’t have to negotiate all these differences.”

Online dating has spread like wildfire. Once considered awkward and potentially dangerous, online dating is now a popular tool in the hunt for everlasting love. But is it? I think online dating has merit: there is a system that pairs you with like-minded individuals and matches you based on a set of criteria that you have deemed "important." Then on a daily basis, these matches are delivered to you via an online interface and you are able to communicate with these people using set communication steps that are established by the online service you use. Sounds like a great way to meet people that have common interests! But has it made it "too easy" for guys and girls to engage in communications with multiple people, taking away the element of enabling a "committed relationship"? It's right there, you are more than welcome to have communications with multiple matches at one time, and it's not like the different matches know about each other. Or do they?

This week, my girl friend (we'll call her B), who subscribes to eharmony, had an experience with online dating that she would sure like to forget, and for sure has made her a cynic from here on out. She had been using eharmony for about a month. She started talking with two individuals, we'll call them T and R. After going through the motions, she went out on a date with T, who was very nice but just didn't have what she was looking for in terms of a mate. Then she went on a date with R, with whom she felt much more compatible with. She went out with R multiple times and was really starting to think that this could go somewhere. Enter B's girl friend P whom she had convinced to join eharmony after a string of bad dating incidents. B and P had been exchanging eharmony stories and sharing their experiences, so much so that B showed P the profile and pictures of R to show her friend how much he had going for him, how cute he was, etc. (Girls love their girlfriend's opinion when it comes to guys). B had told P to great length about R and how well things were going. So one night, P goes onto her eharmony to check out some recent communications that had been delivered, and wouldn't you know: R had requested communication! P was floored. For one, she was starting to think that R was a nice guy, so happy for her friend B who seemed happy. And now she had to have that awkward communication with her friend and say, "So R is apparently still on the market and actively searching..." much to her dismay.

This is just one example of the implications of new media as it relates to courting in the 21st century. Individuals now have SO many options when it comes to dating that how does one know when they are "the one" for someone else or just "one of many"? Do you think R would have had the ability to court 2, 3 or 10 different ladies at once with only a pen and paper? Another question that the NY Times article above brings up is this notion of "knowing what you want" and when it comes to love, can we write down a list of "wants" and when that person arrives know they are your Prince Charming? “They think they know what they want,” Dr. Finkel said in the above NY Times article. “But meeting somebody who possesses the characteristics they claim are so important is much less inspiring than they would have predicted.”