Subtitle: This blog will discuss the notion of "ex's" getting back in touch with you via various technological outlets and what should you do when this happens.
It never fails. You think things are going well with someone you are dating, there are hints that this other person actually likes you too and you begin to think that you two could actually forge a romantic relationship together and then the bomb: he or she stops calling, stops texting, stops all communication. If I didn't know better, I would think that person had fallen off of a cliff or been hit with a deadly case of salmonella. But that is rarely (if ever) the case. And then, like clockwork, months later you will get a random text message or phone call at 2 am. You rub your eyes to see who is calling and have a moment of "am I still sleeping?" when you see the name scrawled across your mobile device. Am I the only one who thinks, "what the hell is this person thinking?!"
While there may be legitimate cases when the "former flame " (who we will dub FF) had good reason for completely cutting off communication for what seems like no apparent reason, the majority of the cases are not such. While I remain baffled at the excuses for these occurrences, one thing never fails: they will always get back in touch with you. And for the most part, it's when you least expect it.
As I've eluded to in previous entries, the wide availability of communication technologies has aided our ability to "stay in touch," and as a consequence, to "get back in touch." FF's fall into the latter category. Before, when you thought about your ex, what could you do: write a letter, stop by their house, or call their house. But now, FF's have so many tools at their disposal that it takes little effort at all to contact a previous love interest. The two most common methods currently are Facebook and Text messages. Let's be honest. A phone call is too commitment oriented: if the person you are trying to reach actually picks up the phone, then you have to talk to them. And who knows for how long, catching up on all the latest in your daily lives including your new-found vow to never eat beef or his "I've become a gym rat" rant. Sounds like fun. But with a text or Facebook message, the FF can communicate the fact that they are interested in "talking" again but if you don't write back, no big deal. It's pretty much saying, "let me text this girl, maybe that will get me back in," as apposed to, "I really want to talk to this girl, I've missed her and want her back in my life." The message communicated is completely different.

So what do you do when a FF contacts you out of the blue? The first and most important thing is to evaluate your situation. If you take a look at where you are now post-FF, you can decide whether or not you even want to cross that bridge again. Let's say since then, you have found the most wonderful man and you are in a committed relationship, the last thing you want to do is lose that person over a FF who doesn't even have the cojones to tell you straight up "this isn't going anywhere" and instead becomes mute. So your choice in type of response and the tone of that message is going to differ from someone who say, might still have feelings for the FF. Now let's say you are part of the latter group. You really didn't know what happened to cause the disappearance, you were growing strong feelings for them and wished the relationship had developed, then I would say analyze the context of the communication and take it from there. If he sends you a text message at 2 am saying, "come over and snuggle" after not talking for months, I would tell them to get lost. But if they send you a message during the day (or sober hours as I like to call them) saying, "I've really missed you and would love to get together for coffee one day," well, there might be something to talk about. It all depends on what your expected outcome of the situation is as to how you should respond, if at all.
I had my own encounter of a FF recently. As you all know, I am now a TMF (taken mobile female) and I couldn't be happier. So when I received the 2 am "drunk text" from a FF, you can be sure my priority was clear and was communicated as such through my messages. He said he missed me and was sorry he had screwed up, and even back-handedly asked me to come see him at that ungodly hour of the night. So my response back was simple but firm: "I have a boyfriend now." He sent one more message, I didn't respond and that was the end of that. My message was clear: I am not interested in you or your communication.
Why am I telling you this? I see so many people, guys and girls, that even though they are in a committed relationship and vow that they are happy, that would entertain such a conversation. My question to them is: why? If you are happily together with someone else, then why do you care whether an FF is sorry, and really liked you and wants to talk NOW even though before they did not? And time after time, you hear about relationships ending because of talking with ex or as simply as entertaining the conversation, because what that shows is that you are not over that person or are not completely happy with your new partner. I say: have conviction. Know what you want and what you don't, and don't be afraid to tell others just that. You don't want to lose something you love because you're afraid to stand up to someone that you USE to have feelings for.
My advice to you is this: follow your heart. And most of all: be smart. You have to remember that with all of the options out there, FF's have so many ways to get back in touch with you, and sometimes (in my opinion) it's too easy. Sometimes it's nice to catch up and see how someone is doing, especially if that someone was an important part of your life. But if they disappeared with no valid reason why, then I believe they need to do some work before gaining access back into your heart. Don't automatically "buzz them up" just because they ring your bell, if you know what I mean... In the world of technology overkill, it is now up to us to analyze our communications more deeply to get to the true value and meaning. Because let's face it, while no one likes to be on the losing end of an MIA lover, you certainly don't want to be the "drunk dial recipient" at 2 am.
Lindsey get out of my head! Sums up my thoughts exactly on the FFs